About Us
In the 1970's, psychologists from different horizons started the journey of creating a legal representation of their profession. Several psychological societies emerged contributing to the dissemination of psychology and psychotherapy in Lebanon.
After years of lobbying, law no. 8 was issued on February 10 of 2017 making it mandatory for practicing psychologists to join the order and earn a professional license after. The Committee issuing the work permit at the Ministry of Public Health was created and the Committee organizing the Colloquium exam at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education was crested. The licensing committee worked in cooperation with academic and professional stakeholders (representatives of the psychology departments of the Lebanese University alongside private universities in Lebanon, as well as representatives of psychotherapeutical societies, and psychological associations) together with the Ministry of Public Health-National Mental Health Program on the preparation of a draft law establishing the Lebanese Order of Psychologists, based on the law No. 8/2017.
Mission & Vision
The Order is the only reference and the main hub for psychologists in Lebanon. It represents them in all formal settings and preserves their rights. The Order strives to put the base of the profession of psychology on humane ethics and scientific practices of high quality, compatible with the culture of the Lebanese society.
The Order’s activities are purely professional, free from any partisan, ideological or religious commitment.
The Order is a democratic institution, working in full transparency in studying projects and managing the Order’s affairs in accordance with the rules stipulated in the law no. 254/2022
President's Message

Leyla Akoury Dirani
LOPsy President
I am writing to you with great emotion. The emotion of seeing our project taking shape and, above all the emotion of knowing that all psychologists in Lebanon now have a home, a reference.
Founding an Order is usually an exciting challenge. In times of recession and collective gloom, passion is no longer enough. It needs an additional grain of determination, creativity, and audacity.
I invite you, dear colleagues, to actively participate in this launching. Together we will draw the delineations of our profession and its diversity. We will anchor ethical practices, respect people's rights, protect their dignity. We will position our profession as an essential partner in the mental health landscape and defend it against abusers.
Let us seize this precious opportunity and join our efforts to compare our perspectives, share our theoretical and practical references, color our founding texts with the singularity of our experiences and our culture.

Dr. Leyla Akoury Dirani
LOPsy President

Dr. Brigitte Khoury
Vice President- Chair of the Ethics Committee

Dr. Hoda Dagher
Executive Board Secretary - Chair of the Administrative Committee

Dr. Wadih Nassour
Treasurer - Chair of the Finance Committee

Dr. Myrna Gannage
Chair of the Continuing Education Committee

Dr. Bella Aoun
Chair of the Training Committee

Dr. Rasha Tadmori
Chair of the Educational Psychology

Dr. Alya Abi Gerges
Chair of the Psychotherapy Committee

Dr. Nathalie Maamari
Chair of the Psychologists' Affairs Committee

Dr. Sonia Chamoun
Chair of the Specializations Committee
Dr. Youssef Akoury
Chair of the Research Committee

Dr. Marleine El Haddad
Chair of the Communications & Public Relations
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